Wednesday 24 June 2009

Hello! This is William

This week I have been mostly running around because on monday I ran to and from school phew.

Today I drew pictures of picasso. He,s a famous artist you know.

The best thing about last weekend was Mia,s birthday because she got loooooooooooooooooooooooooads of pressies.

Mia has been very busy opening presents because it was her birthday

Mum has been very busy byeing Mia presents.

Right now I am most happy about my new simpsons book I got.


  1. Blimey, sounds like a busy week Will! Well, Mia may have had lots of presents last week but it's easy to see that her favourite one was from her big brother!

    Hope you like your simpsons book. I am going into town this weekend and will see if I can find some Simpson stamps for you x

  2. Aaah! I love this post. I asked Will if he was feeling an incy bit jealous of his sister and he said "No way! I'm proud of her!" Bless him. Best brother in the world.

    His Picasso drawings are great
