Friday 12 June 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Oh my goodness, this week I have not stopped!

Monday was cleaning, picking up Georges present, prepping for the AGM, dropping into the FA offices to sort through more paperwork, Michael out all evening so sorting the kids out on my own (sooo much easier than a team effort and actually a joy!) and generally having a broom up my bottom.

Tuesday; more prepping for AGM, grocery shopping including all fathers day presents!, more FA rubbish to sort through, weeding the veggie patch, more laundry, tea, scout AGM.

Wednesday; cleaning ready for the in-laws to come to lunch (a weightwatchers salad delight - Anne is such a better weight watcher than me!), waving Michael and Anne off to court - muchos stressus, more laundry, picking Will up pronto to take Mia to speech therapy, speech therapy, home, tea, council Michael after court.

Thursday; weightwatchers in the morning...I took my new friend and neighbour, Ito, who came to ask her 'fat friend' (her words!) to join with her but was slightly disappointed to find me looking 'not so fat anymore'! She's Nigerian...I think it was a compliment! Back home, speedy lunch, took Mia to Jo Jingle Music and Movement class, tea, entertain Andy, Costco to pick up Mia's present from Michaels family, home, bed by midnight.

And today...planting new vegetable and marigold plugs in the veggie patch, attack the greenfly, lunch with Lisa at the Healthy Living Centre, drop Mia off with Michael who was working at a friends house, back to Letchworth to pick Will up an hour early from school, haematology appt with Will, Tesco's for popcorn, Pizza Hut for a treat for Will, Lisa's to pick up popcorn because Tesco didn't have any, home, rough up tesco cakes for cake stall tomorrow, print some signs, blog.


This week I am most pleased with:
  • Georges's a little red TShirt that says: My Daddy is The Stig!
  • The AGM...everyone there thinks I'm great, energetic and fun (and some of those are under 60!) Since my election, the fundraising totals have tripled. I'm very chuffed.
  • The veggie patch looks great.
  • I lost another 2lb - that's 7 1/2 in total :)
  • I spent a whole afternoon with just William and me, it was lovely.
  • The weekend forecast for Mum and Dad's camping this weekend is good.
  • Kerry, for already making friends with a Brazilian!

This week I wish:
  • William had finished his blog entry...maybe tomorrow
  • I'd been more organised with tomorrows cake stall and delegated more
  • I'd kept my mouth shut and just left the room on occasion!
  • I can find a way to advise Michael about Mia's speech therapy and what we have to do at home in a way that will actually sink in.

Right, that's how I am thinking right now, in lists, and I have come to the end of my list.

Have a good weekend!



  1. Well done on the weightwatchers.... you must have a silver 7!

    Looking forward to Wills first entry :)
