Saturday 6 June 2009

She only gone and done it!

I cannot believe that my big sister has been so brave as to actually up sticks and move to San Fran-blooming-cisco! I don't think it has actually sunk in until now!

William is officially in mourning...although I think he is just moping around so that I will agree to him flying out there on his own. I have explained to him, his hopes of that happening, but I think he is going to be trying that one out for the duration!

Well, I hope Kerry, that you have lots of fun, meet lots of new people and work very hard, so that you can return to us full of stories! (Although don't get 'In San Fransisco' boring!!!)

So, outside of that, we have been keeping up our boring old daily comings and goings. Mia's eye has thankfully cleared up - I honestly thought the neighbours were going to call social services to report the 4 hourly torture sessions I was subjecting her to! Honestly, 1 drop in each'd have thought it was bleach!

Today we had Abi over for an hour an and half supervised visit. That was wierd to say the least. Having someone in your home checking how you are with your own children was pretty pressurised. It went really well and Abi had a ball, we made cakes and played games. The kids had some rough and tumble with their Dad and Abi smacked Will...nothings changed! Michael dealt with it well though so hopefully when we go back to court next week, contact will be rightfully resumed.

Will's finished his first week of swimming lessons. Only another week to go. It's not that much fun now that the weathers colder again although I'm glad it's not scorching anymore for him...I sent him in with suncream the first day and he was told not to bring it again??? H&S gone mad again I think.

I am super busy with the Scouts right now, we have our AGM next week so I have to hold court for all and sundry from the organisation as we go through our accounts and things. It's rather nice to still be respected, although a pay packet wouldn't go amiss! I still have to make the decision over whether I want to become GSL...basically the leader for the adults. I think it's good CV fodder and it certainly makes more use of my skills but it's a pretty big commitment. I have also now officially taken over as Club Secretary for Goff's Oak Football Club and Michael is officially the Club Manager...that should be interesting, us both working together! The Herts FA is proving to be a right old boys club and I got told off for missing a meeting that I was told about the day after it happened!!!

Well, that's pretty much all our news. Our thoughts are with Kerry on her ventures and hope that she can settle in quickly. We'll soon have free international calls so let me know a phone number and times and we may be able to have a quick chat!


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