Tuesday 16 March 2010

Will's Diary

This is a picture of a lizardy thing (can't remember it's name) that we saw at the zoo. I like it because it's big and green!

On Wednesday I went swimming and was really good at it so I set a goal to swim without a float in less than 4 weeks and I’m nearly there. There were swimming lessons going on and it was interesting the kids who were doing the swimming lessons were good. I’ve nearly finished my goal I just need to do a little more and then I’m there.

On Friday I got student of the week for doing some really good literacy work and being an outstanding student. The work I did was on The Piano. The Piano is a short film by Aiden Gibbons. It’s about a man who is playing the piano and it brings back loads of sad memories and at the end his grandson comes along and they smile at each other. I had to write about the beginning bit where he remembers his wife while he plays with her but it is actually a memory. I wrote “As I play the stool next to me is no longer empty…” and then I went on to tell the story of that part of the film. Mr Cattermole (our head teacher) wants to look at my work and maybe he will put it on display. After school I went round to my friend Alex’s and had tea. We had Tofu pie and it was ok.

On Saturday we went to Colchester zoo to see the baby aardvark it was ssssoooo cute even if it was on a video camera then we went on a train around the zoo. We saw rhino, giraffe, wolves, elephants and loads more and it was really fun. My favourite animal there was the baby aardvark although the rhinos and elephants were great. They are sort of the same because they are really big and bulky and strong. I enjoyed playing in the park there because it had loads of slides.

On Sunday (Mothers day) sadly Mum was ill so she had the day off of work. And then the next day I was ill and Dad was ill as well. The only one that wasn’t ill was Mia! Then today (Tuesday) I’ve had another day off to recover which is fun because we watched Inkheart. I like having the day off because I get to spend time with my family.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

What I Did Since I Last Blogged

Here is what I did since I last blogged:
• I went swimming and I swam like a frog.
• We had World book day at school; can you guess who I was? Stuck? Here’s a clue; my character has a dog.
• I saw Macbeth or The Scottish Play at school and it was by William Shakespeare, nice name, Will.
• It is ONLY 4 WEEK’S until my birthday I’m SO excited I wonder what I’m going to get hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.What I really want is Soul Silver and a trip to San Francisco.
• I am really looking forward to Easter because you get to eat a llllllllllloooooootttttttttttttttttttttt of chocolate yummy yummy in my tummy.
• I am really looking forward to summer because we won’t have really cold weather and we can wear t-shirt’s at school again whoopee
• Mum has got a new job at David’s bookshop which mean’s she gets 25% of book’s yay!! Book’s galore.
• I’m extreeeeeeeeeeeeemly excited because I’m going to go swimming with the whole of year 5 I think I’m a confident beginner because I can swim.
• I keep thinking that it is 2009 but it is 2010!

Thursday 10 December 2009


So the day finally came and after much excitment Mia was on stage with over 50 kids and well over 100 adults in the audience! Needless to say all the little ones were a bit dumbstruck and Mia didn't really sing at all. However, she did get into all the actions...most of which ended up with the girl behind getting smacked in the face with Mia's 'Twinkle' wand!

Monday 23 November 2009

Christmas Here We Come!

Every morning, Mia runs through her rehearsals for her Christmas concert. It was far too cute to miss, so for those of you unable to make the concert...here is her favourite song.

I couldn't be prouder of her as she sings her songs completely undeterred by the lack of speech. She even has a starring role as a 'Twinkle' in the concert!

The words she is singing are;

A chubby little Snowman, Had a carrot nose,

Along came a rabbit, and what do you suppose?

That hungry little bunny, was looking for his lunch,

He ate the snowmans carrot nose, nibble, nibble CRUNCH!

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Sitting on the dock of Ebay...

I have been eBaying our life away this week! Well, not so much our life as some baby stuff. Because (fanfare) I am definately NOT having anymore! The only way is up now, I will never have to change a nappy again!!!! Hoorah! I realise that whenever Mum sold our baby stuff, she fell pregnant but I'm hoping I can learn from that ; ).

The only thing that has actually sold so far is Mia's cot. But, undeterred, I have taken the £280 I got for it (it only cost £400 new!) and spent £150 in Ikea on a new bed, extendable up to full size, matresses and canopy (along with the £40 worth of crap you just have to pick up as you wander round!). We got it constructed in a day, added some new fairy lights and rearranged the toys and voila! A new little princesses bedroom! She is delighted with it, although it hasn't stopped the midnight creeping around she does. She comes into our bed in the dead of night and she is so stealth-like that the first we know is in the morning! Tonight, Michael checked on her, she was fast asleep and as he was putting Will to bed (10 minutes stood at his door chatting) she snuck out, shut the door, across the landing, into our room (pitch black) shut that door too, and set herself up for the night! He went back to tuck her in and she'd vanished!!

Anyway, here's her room, I love it and so does she! This is what having little ones is about...not nappies!

Tuesday 13 October 2009

The hair issue!

Right then, at request I am posting photos of the result of mins and Mia's day at the hairdressers. We left behind about 18 inches of hair and came out with HUGE smiles.
The hairdresser told me that it would be sooo easy in the morning because it would take seconds to dry. She was right. What she omitted to mention was that I would have to wash it every day to save from looking like a toilet brush and that after drying, I would have to spend 1/2 an hour faffing with it. I have to say that the kids had to take these photos and I hadn't done any faffing, so it's really not looking its best, but I still love it!

So what you think? All comments welcome!

Oh, and this is the back...you can see why it took 3 hours to do it!

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Well, that was that then!

We have arrived at that day...it's back to school tomorrow. The uniforms, shoes, trainers, S T A T I O N E R Y and new water bottles are bought. The lunch is made and I am ready! Kids were in bed by 7:30 and I am just going to finish this off and then tuck in myself (after maybe a game of scrabble on f'book...it's brilliant!)
They are both really excited about going back. Will has his first playdate set up and he is keen to get started with his new focused approach. I have promised him that if he put's more effort in at school I will personally tidy his room...that was quite a motivation for him! He's off to Alex's for his tea on Friday which may well become a regular thing if I can get some work.
We have had a brilliant holiday and I am so sad it's over. It's a double whammy for me this time because they are both going to school. Mia will be starting at Tiny Hands on Friday, where she'll go for the morning on Mon, Wed & Fridays. She is beyond excited, in fact she is really disappointed that she can't go tomorrow, whining 'but I'm a big girl NOW, I want to go NOW!' She'll be like Will, pushing me out the door as soon as we arrive. I'm very proud that she's so cool with it, but it'd be nice for one of my children to cling to my leg, once.

The exciting news today is that outside of the chicken, all our dinner was home grown. It's great harvesting it one meal at a time. So there was roast chicken, beetroot and carrots with mash. MmmMmmm!

The beets are truly a thing of beauty when you open them up, however after parboiling for 15 minutes and roasting for 30, they turned sort of yellow with a pink rim. Sort of makes all that growing they did a bit pointless. HOWEVEr the brilliance is they don't stain anything! Lovebeetroot.com (the official beet fan club) warns that this is almost impossible to find!

That is about all my news although I realise I've not updated much on our fantastic holidays. Will has said that he wants to so hopefully at the weekend I can get him to sit down and blog for a bit.