Monday 22 June 2009

Wow! What a Weekend!

Crikey! What a lot to update today!

Mia's birthday shenanigans started on Friday afternoon when we all went for a picnic with Lisa's crew. It was lovely, and Blaise came so the kids were tickled pink! Mia got a new mop from her friends and some very posh colouring books. I'm guessing she won't always be so pleased with a new mop as a present, but this year, she was over the moon!

Then on to Saturday morning...I had to wake her up at 715 because I couldn't wait any longer! She loved all her presents, especially Will's Bob toy as you can see. I think 3 is the best birthday because it's the first where they are all excited before and they play with all their presents really nicely. This year she got a new dressing gown, a little book and a new pencil case...with her old pencils in. She thought that was brilliant! Simple!
Then off we set to the middle of nowhere to meet Uncle Barry. 5 hours later (I might add that's 5 hours of Mia screaming like a princess...she was very aware that it was 'her' day! Oh and now she's too posh to pee in an 'unsuitable' toilet, we wouldn't go at the services or in a layby...even after I demonstrated and got stung in the process!)we arrived at a very 'local' village hall. Such a great venue, play area for the kids, hall in case it rained.
We were a bit late so got set up straight away. We sat with Martin, who just gets rounder and Julia, who doesn't change at all! Paula's lot are all sooo grown up (the girls all have boobs! Big ones!) and Paula is a great advert for starting young, she's having so much fun with them now. Caroline was there, but Sharon wasn't as she'd just got back from Greece.
Much laughing and drinking followed. I managed to talk to most people...I lectured Paula's kids on not smoking, lectured Caroline's Andy on how tricky it is for women to juggle career and kids (he's convinced it'll be a breeze because they'll 'share the burden' hah!) and was generally terrible at rounders due to the alcohol. I think it may have been due to the tablets I was taking for my headache, which has gone now btw.
Janet is stupidly happy, all giddy and excited. Barry is lovely although was very nervous...who can blame him?! They've not even known each other a year yet, they met on a coach trip in September. And then this September they are going again, with the same people, only now they are married! Tres cute!
After that we drove back to Mum & Dad's, very tired and just sort of flopped into bed, but only after I had had a chance meeting with a hedgehog in the back garden!
The next morning, Mia got yet more presents, a lovely farm set to go with the animals she'd opened the day before. She loved it and is playing with it now. After a quick coffee with Hannah - who is doing very well and off to San Francisco in a couple of out Kez! - we drove back home.
Mia decided we should go in and have a cup of tea...she came in, took off her shoes and parked herself on the sofa, oblivious to the people in the back garden! She loved the surprise and it was well worth the pain of organising it! She also loves her new kitchen, but is VERY put out that the water doesn't come out of the taps and that the oven doesn't get hot!
At about 6ish everybody left, Michael and I tidied our very messy house, bathed the kids and collapsed into bed. Phew, what a weekend!

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