Tuesday 2 June 2009

Please bear with us!

Right then, so Kerry has requested a blog to keep up to date with our daily doings. I have to confess, this is all new territory but here goes...

Our news today is this...Will has had his 2nd swimming lesson in the outdoor pool. They are every day for a fortnight so hope the sunshine holds up! We had a desperate search for his 'cool' swimming trunks last night as it seems our little pre-teen is too self conscious for his speedos (aaah!) Back to cubs tonight AND a visit from Andy so as usual he is super busy.

Mia's eye is exuding gunk, but her teeth aren't hurting so much anymore.

Michael has returned to work and decided it's "boring" (I refrained from offering to swap!)

And I have just about caught up on the laundry from camp.

Dear god...I warned you there wouldn't be much to tell...can you see why I chose the title. I will endevour to be more adventurous for future blogs!!!


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