Thursday 30 July 2009

Extreme sports by William

Extreme sports include Under water sports, Archery and Moutain climbing. Under water sports are like normal sports but under water like under water football and stuff but I dont think my Dad would be good at it though hee hee.
Moutain climbing is when you climb a moutain but it is very dangerous because there are very sharp rocks. Did you now that at the top of Mount Everest it is -100 degrees farenheit?
Last but not least Archery. Archery is a cub activity, once I even got a bulls eye.
By William.


  1. You seem to be an expert on extreme sports Will and I did not know that it was THAT cold at the top of Everest. I think your mum took a pleasurable flight around Everest one!

    I once went parascending in Mexico. Its where a parachute is attached to the back of a boat and the boat goes off at high speed and lets the rope out so you get higher and higher. I don't think I have ever screamed so much!

    I later told an extreme sports enthusiast that I took part in this and he told me it wasn't extreme enough - cheeky! Thats as far as I am ever going in the extreme sports world :-) Good report x

  2. Very interesting Will. But have you heard of extreme ironing? I thought I might be good at that until I saw a video clip on YouTube. Ask your Mum to look up Extreme Ironing and see which kind you fancy.
