Tuesday 11 August 2009

Uuurrgh...I do NOT feel good anymore... :o(

I am ill. Horribly ill. I have lost 6lbs in the last 2 days and to top it off I don't even think I'll be well enough to go to WW this week to at least appreciate the 6lb off!

After a great weekend celebrating Jodie's (my niece) 4th birthday and then seeing Mo, Pops and some Spitfires at Duxford, I came home to begin my 40 hour (to date) confinement to the bathroom!

Anyway, enough of that as I'm sure no-one wants me to go into detail, let me update you about what we've been up to! Last week, we had another playdate with Alex (Will's BFF) and Tom (Alex's little Mia-sized brother) at their house. This is so momentous because Will is very fond of Alex and their friendship is very special. It went very well again and so we are meeting up again this week, if I'm well enough.

As I said, Jodie turned 4 this Sunday. We went to one of those 'reason's for not having kids' soft play centres...you know the sort, 40 kids in a gym hall (the acoustics!), bouncing off the walls while the parents attempt a conversation over cheap coffee that they paid £3 for! Kerry, you'll recognise this when I say the walls were sweating!! The kids, of course, LOVED it! Jodie had a great time, although it all got too much a bit later in the day when she decided that she needed the purple chair that someone was sitting on! It was her birthday and she could cry if she wanted to, and want to she did. Aah, it wouldn't have been a birthday without some over-the-top tantrum...I was glad to be spared one of Mia's! There was another tantrum the next morning when I banned children from eating sour cream and onion pringles for breakfast on the basis that it was gross! It took some explaining when Jodie declared to her Mum that "Auntie Kate said I was gross" !! Don't you just love little girls?!

After dropping off a very hungover Michael at home, I took the squidlies up to Duxford where the royal Granny & Grandad were for the day. Both children were extremely excited to see them and even Mia didn't mind looking at boring planes as she found an ally in Granny who also walks through Museums at break-neck speed! William and Grandad also bonded as they like to walk through at a snails pace, ticking planes off in the guidebook as they go! He's still talking about the planes now. It was spitfire day so they flew 5 of them. Very impressive and so agile. The sound of those engines just roars the your chest, amazing.

And so I think I will draw this to a close now, I should be washing and packing ready for camp (which the met office says will be a wet one) on Friday. But I'm not, and I doubt very much if I will be able to get much done today at all. Poor kids, they are stuck in front of the tv eating Will's chocolate spread sandwiches for breakfast lunch and probably tea too!


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