Tuesday 14 July 2009

I feeeel good dah nah nah nah nah nah naah!

Well, what a fabulous day I've had! I know have updated all 2 of my followers about the employment progression! But my goodness, it really did feel good to have some feedback on me...I forgot just how I missed that.

I also had a scout meeting tonight that was filled with difficult political conflict and I realised how far I've come in 18 months of doing that. There was a time when that would have really stressed me out but I found it all quite satisfying really, reaching an amicable compromise without putting any noses out of joint!

Andy has come to visit today which is the 1st time we've seen him in ages. He's had a home holiday...a friend he met on his geeky online game came to visit from Finland. So he took a couple of weeks off and showed him around London and oop noorth! What a great idea for a holiday, he say's it was a really good break for him too! Then on Friday he's off to see his folks in Greece. So, he's here now watching films and catching up.

We've all read the Google office email that has circulated Tesco and are a tad envious, mostly at the food!

Will has lots to blog about so I'll save the news updates for him. It is a little tough to get him to sit and write...which his school report reflects. I shall encourage him to do more as it is obviously a concern at school as well.

So long for now from the curently out of work (but not for long :) ) Kate!


  1. Get that job and start saving the coffers for a big trip.

    Tell Will I am looking forward to his updates.

  2. Hello Kate,

    I have now started following your blog, I hope don't mind, and I will starting up an Asps of Newbury (junior branch) one soon.

