Wednesday 8 July 2009

I'm Free!

Today I have officially become a freecycler! I logged on to see if there were any summerhouse doors (unlikely I know) but came across an ad for a childs wicker chair. Mmm that'll look lovely in my new space I, I rang the number and the name Caroline came up on my phone. I couldn't remember where I knew a Caroline from so, rather sheepishly I had to introduce myself and ask why I already had her number!
It turns out she's our new Beaver leader! Fab! She'd had loads of people apply for her chair but chose me...obviously! Anyway, 1 hour later she dropped it off. She rainchecked on a cup of tea, so here it is, my truly free chair that didn't even cost me a teabag!
Chuffed! You must try it!


  1. Pretty impressive... pass the custard creams please!

  2. BTW - Marky Mark is on the verge of doing a blog... you can get yourself another follower!

  3. Ooooh! 3 followers - that's a 50% increase!!!!
