Thursday 30 July 2009

Extreme sports by William

Extreme sports include Under water sports, Archery and Moutain climbing. Under water sports are like normal sports but under water like under water football and stuff but I dont think my Dad would be good at it though hee hee.
Moutain climbing is when you climb a moutain but it is very dangerous because there are very sharp rocks. Did you now that at the top of Mount Everest it is -100 degrees farenheit?
Last but not least Archery. Archery is a cub activity, once I even got a bulls eye.
By William.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

A 50% increase!

Hoorah! I now have 3 followers...that's right THREE!

And of those 3, I think all of my all time favourite people are in there. So, I don't need anymore. I mean, how are you supposed to increase your readership...e-mail your friends and say, here is a stream of consciousness I write about my daily life...I bet you'd like to read it?!

No, I'm happy waiting for people to stumble across us!

So, updates for this week are...SUMMER'S HERE...can't you tell? Deary me, I am soo glad I got the paddling pool and camera out when I did, at least there is some evidence of a summer. I mean, we actually organised and dancing in the rain and puddle splashing event this week! (Which, incidentally, was the most fun I've ever had!!)

William received a lovely letter this week from the junior Aspinwall boys with great advice on what to take camping! We are all getting VERY excited about our camping trip, although I have to confess I've been on looking at sunshine breaks and we may escape to the med for a week after Cromer! I can't survive on 20 minutes of sunshine a day, it's not healthy. I am busy planning a Cromer itinerary and there is loads to do, I'm particularily looking forward to eating crab and riding the steam train.

Michael and I are going to see this tomorrow. Sort of a kung-fu / acrobatic / theatre production? I got the tickets cheap and we are in desperate need of a night out. Although, there is now a rail strike threatened and obviously, we are heading into the big smoke so will probably get swine flu! I can't wait, Blaise is coming to babysit from 5pm so I get literally the whole night off!

Still no news on the job front, except to say that the job I know I could have done with my eyes shut is earmarked for a maternity returner and she takes priority over me ( I know it's illegal and all but I really think you should limit the number of child bearing women in a company! I'm suffering because HR is full of them!!) but my ear is still close to the ground and I'm hopeful for September.



Tuesday 14 July 2009

I feeeel good dah nah nah nah nah nah naah!

Well, what a fabulous day I've had! I know have updated all 2 of my followers about the employment progression! But my goodness, it really did feel good to have some feedback on me...I forgot just how I missed that.

I also had a scout meeting tonight that was filled with difficult political conflict and I realised how far I've come in 18 months of doing that. There was a time when that would have really stressed me out but I found it all quite satisfying really, reaching an amicable compromise without putting any noses out of joint!

Andy has come to visit today which is the 1st time we've seen him in ages. He's had a home holiday...a friend he met on his geeky online game came to visit from Finland. So he took a couple of weeks off and showed him around London and oop noorth! What a great idea for a holiday, he say's it was a really good break for him too! Then on Friday he's off to see his folks in Greece. So, he's here now watching films and catching up.

We've all read the Google office email that has circulated Tesco and are a tad envious, mostly at the food!

Will has lots to blog about so I'll save the news updates for him. It is a little tough to get him to sit and write...which his school report reflects. I shall encourage him to do more as it is obviously a concern at school as well.

So long for now from the curently out of work (but not for long :) ) Kate!

Thursday 9 July 2009

Stone me! (As Dad would say!)

WW today and sadly Anne stayed the same :(

However, I lost 2.5 pounds...completely unexpectedly as I haven't been tracking this week...that brings me to 1 stone off!


Only another 1 to go {:o)

PS...No I don't feel I'm winning...not even a teensy bit...just needed somewhere to celebrate :o)

Wednesday 8 July 2009

I'm Free!

Today I have officially become a freecycler! I logged on to see if there were any summerhouse doors (unlikely I know) but came across an ad for a childs wicker chair. Mmm that'll look lovely in my new space I, I rang the number and the name Caroline came up on my phone. I couldn't remember where I knew a Caroline from so, rather sheepishly I had to introduce myself and ask why I already had her number!
It turns out she's our new Beaver leader! Fab! She'd had loads of people apply for her chair but chose me...obviously! Anyway, 1 hour later she dropped it off. She rainchecked on a cup of tea, so here it is, my truly free chair that didn't even cost me a teabag!
Chuffed! You must try it!

Thursday 2 July 2009

Water load of fun!

Well, we are in the middle of a heatwave, so what does any mum worth her salt do?
Get the paddling pool out, get your swimmers on and invite the neighborhood round for a water's the fun in pictures!

Garden Delights!

Well, I don't know what's come over me this week. I have decided to make the most of our outdoor space. Having already had some success with the veggies, I thought I'd try my hand at some bigger projects.
I'll start with the veggies:At the back, there are runner beans, then coming forward are loads of lovely beetroots, savoy cabbages on the left, broccolli on the right, then carrots. There are redcurrant, blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes as well. With marigolds dotted around to help with pest control. Good eh? I am quite proud! I also have 3 tubs of potatoes, lettuces, tomatoes and loads of herbs!
Next up is the front garden. The grotty fence is gone and replaced with Sempervirens to ultimately make a neat little box hedge which some joyless soul informed me would take 10 years to grow. Great, I'll look forward to watching that! (More interesting than talking to the person in question!) The bed left some space so there are broccoli behind it! I had an excess so any space will do. The children each boughtme a lovely sunflower each, so there are 3 of those dotted around the front and my summer bulbs are now making an apearance in the front bed:
Then I turned my attentions to the summer house. It took a whole day to get everything out, scrub it or bin it and find a home for it. It was mostly outdoor toys, so they all went up, much to the kids delight. I put the wicker armchairs under the mosquito net in the trees and put the mosaic table in between, a perfect place to sit in the shade with a G&T! Then I scrubbed and scrubbed the summer house. There had been a lot of mice in there so it all got Dettoled. There was Ivy growing on the inside of it! Mia was so happy to get her own little house and Will was delighted to get more storage for his toys. This weekend, I am painting it inside and out, it does need some more restoration but I feel like I have gained such a lot of space. For us and the kids. So massive changes outdoors for very little money - that's always the best way!

So, who's first to come and enjoy a pimms while we watch the squiddlies play?! ( I know I only have 2 followers, so I am pretty safe with that invite!!) X