Thursday 13 August 2009

OMG things have gone from bad to worse...but the sun is shining!

Well, I took one look in the mirror this morning and realised that...not actually having a chinese postman 32 years ago, I was pretty odd coloured. After talking to the doctor who insisted I come in, so that her and her students could view my yellowness, the medics have now decided I may have Hepatitis A. Great!
They took some blood (after 2 seperate visits, 9 jabs and 5 collapsed veins!) and I'll hear tomorrow morning.
If it is Hep A, then I cannot go camping :( The reason being that for me to have caught this, someone (it'll be fun guessing who) has given me food without washing their hands after doing a number 2...nice. My doc was really clear that if I was to go camping with less than sanitary conditions, the chances of an outbreak caused by me were fairly high!!! I did explain that I was pretty clean, even when camping, but she was quite insistent.
So, we are on tenderhooks right now. Still planning for going up on Saturday...we've already had to delay it a day, and Michael has just picked up a big car, but as yet nothing is packed. In fact, I'm too tired to even cook. I hope I can still go as I know the best medicine for this is sunshine, which we are promised for the next few days at least and the only place where I will really get in it is in a'll even seep through the canvas I'm sure!

Thank goodness we didn't book another holiday of a yet we haven't even paid a deposit!

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