Friday 14 August 2009

Quickie post today as I am packing...YAY!

Panic over, once again the doctors have overestimated my symptoms and although I am clearly not well, I'm probably not infectious and so can go and holiday in the unsanitary conditions of Cromer!

I was a rather funny conversation this morning where I was practically begging the doc to let me camp
Me: So, can I go camping then
Doc: Do you actually want to go camping?
Me: Well, yes actually
Doc: Well if that's want you want, then you should!

I think he thinks I'm mad! I also think Michael thinks that too as last night he was ready to book us into a hotel (ahh bless) but no, I think the fresh air and open space is just what I need to recover from the latest little mini crisis.

I've had more tests today (for haemolysis????) and I'll get the results on Monday, although I suspect that once again, the spherocytosis has exagerrated my symptoms and made me look much worse than I actually am. Ha! Hepatitis indeed!

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