Wednesday 2 September 2009

Well, that was that then!

We have arrived at that's back to school tomorrow. The uniforms, shoes, trainers, S T A T I O N E R Y and new water bottles are bought. The lunch is made and I am ready! Kids were in bed by 7:30 and I am just going to finish this off and then tuck in myself (after maybe a game of scrabble on f''s brilliant!)
They are both really excited about going back. Will has his first playdate set up and he is keen to get started with his new focused approach. I have promised him that if he put's more effort in at school I will personally tidy his room...that was quite a motivation for him! He's off to Alex's for his tea on Friday which may well become a regular thing if I can get some work.
We have had a brilliant holiday and I am so sad it's over. It's a double whammy for me this time because they are both going to school. Mia will be starting at Tiny Hands on Friday, where she'll go for the morning on Mon, Wed & Fridays. She is beyond excited, in fact she is really disappointed that she can't go tomorrow, whining 'but I'm a big girl NOW, I want to go NOW!' She'll be like Will, pushing me out the door as soon as we arrive. I'm very proud that she's so cool with it, but it'd be nice for one of my children to cling to my leg, once.

The exciting news today is that outside of the chicken, all our dinner was home grown. It's great harvesting it one meal at a time. So there was roast chicken, beetroot and carrots with mash. MmmMmmm!

The beets are truly a thing of beauty when you open them up, however after parboiling for 15 minutes and roasting for 30, they turned sort of yellow with a pink rim. Sort of makes all that growing they did a bit pointless. HOWEVEr the brilliance is they don't stain anything! (the official beet fan club) warns that this is almost impossible to find!

That is about all my news although I realise I've not updated much on our fantastic holidays. Will has said that he wants to so hopefully at the weekend I can get him to sit down and blog for a bit.


  1. The comment you left on my blog was so charming that I just had to come and pay a visit.

    I hope your children have an excellent first day in school. So the young ones have tea on their play dates? How civilized!

    And your veggies are gorgeous!

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your visit! I'm a little starstruck as it's just my family that read this and you're my first 'outsider'!
    We all started blogging when my sister moved to San Francisco and it's a fabulous way to keep in touch. Open mouth insert fork is my regular read and I'm often telling my sister all about...I tried to persuade her to come along to a trespassers picnic but it seems you are further away from her than it ppears on the map!! I love our little island!
