Tuesday 9 March 2010

What I Did Since I Last Blogged

Here is what I did since I last blogged:
• I went swimming and I swam like a frog.
• We had World book day at school; can you guess who I was? Stuck? Here’s a clue; my character has a dog.
• I saw Macbeth or The Scottish Play at school and it was by William Shakespeare, nice name, Will.
• It is ONLY 4 WEEK’S until my birthday I’m SO excited I wonder what I’m going to get hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.What I really want is Soul Silver and a trip to San Francisco.
• I am really looking forward to Easter because you get to eat a llllllllllloooooootttttttttttttttttttttt of chocolate yummy yummy in my tummy.
• I am really looking forward to summer because we won’t have really cold weather and we can wear t-shirt’s at school again whoopee
• Mum has got a new job at David’s bookshop which mean’s she gets 25% of book’s yay!! Book’s galore.
• I’m extreeeeeeeeeeeeemly excited because I’m going to go swimming with the whole of year 5 I think I’m a confident beginner because I can swim.
• I keep thinking that it is 2009 but it is 2010!


  1. This is Will's homework this week - 200 words for the blog. I think he did realy well, he wrote it in Word and did all the formatting himself. I only corrected a semi colon! What a star!

  2. Mickey Mouse has a dog - Goofy and TinTin has got Snowy but I know you were Dennis the Menace! Isn't 'the' a funny middle name. Nice blog Will. from Granny

  3. I didn't think you would get that Granny because loads of characters have dogs so I am pretty shocked that you got that! Well done, love Will.

  4. Did you know that they do not have Easter Eggs in America Will? Can't find them anywhere! No Cadburys Creme eggs... nothing! Are you sure you still want that flight to San Francisco? :)
