Wednesday 21 October 2009

Sitting on the dock of Ebay...

I have been eBaying our life away this week! Well, not so much our life as some baby stuff. Because (fanfare) I am definately NOT having anymore! The only way is up now, I will never have to change a nappy again!!!! Hoorah! I realise that whenever Mum sold our baby stuff, she fell pregnant but I'm hoping I can learn from that ; ).

The only thing that has actually sold so far is Mia's cot. But, undeterred, I have taken the £280 I got for it (it only cost £400 new!) and spent £150 in Ikea on a new bed, extendable up to full size, matresses and canopy (along with the £40 worth of crap you just have to pick up as you wander round!). We got it constructed in a day, added some new fairy lights and rearranged the toys and voila! A new little princesses bedroom! She is delighted with it, although it hasn't stopped the midnight creeping around she does. She comes into our bed in the dead of night and she is so stealth-like that the first we know is in the morning! Tonight, Michael checked on her, she was fast asleep and as he was putting Will to bed (10 minutes stood at his door chatting) she snuck out, shut the door, across the landing, into our room (pitch black) shut that door too, and set herself up for the night! He went back to tuck her in and she'd vanished!!

Anyway, here's her room, I love it and so does she! This is what having little ones is about...not nappies!


  1. My how she has grown. It looks really nice and didn't you do well at the auction.

  2. How very pretty... I'd definitely stay the whole night in there!

  3. ooh, how lovely :) I am also never changing a nappy after Emily is done with them. So hopefully about a year for daytime then just 1 every 24 hours x
