Tuesday 16 March 2010

Will's Diary

This is a picture of a lizardy thing (can't remember it's name) that we saw at the zoo. I like it because it's big and green!

On Wednesday I went swimming and was really good at it so I set a goal to swim without a float in less than 4 weeks and I’m nearly there. There were swimming lessons going on and it was interesting the kids who were doing the swimming lessons were good. I’ve nearly finished my goal I just need to do a little more and then I’m there.

On Friday I got student of the week for doing some really good literacy work and being an outstanding student. The work I did was on The Piano. The Piano is a short film by Aiden Gibbons. It’s about a man who is playing the piano and it brings back loads of sad memories and at the end his grandson comes along and they smile at each other. I had to write about the beginning bit where he remembers his wife while he plays with her but it is actually a memory. I wrote “As I play the stool next to me is no longer empty…” and then I went on to tell the story of that part of the film. Mr Cattermole (our head teacher) wants to look at my work and maybe he will put it on display. After school I went round to my friend Alex’s and had tea. We had Tofu pie and it was ok.

On Saturday we went to Colchester zoo to see the baby aardvark it was ssssoooo cute even if it was on a video camera then we went on a train around the zoo. We saw rhino, giraffe, wolves, elephants and loads more and it was really fun. My favourite animal there was the baby aardvark although the rhinos and elephants were great. They are sort of the same because they are really big and bulky and strong. I enjoyed playing in the park there because it had loads of slides.

On Sunday (Mothers day) sadly Mum was ill so she had the day off of work. And then the next day I was ill and Dad was ill as well. The only one that wasn’t ill was Mia! Then today (Tuesday) I’ve had another day off to recover which is fun because we watched Inkheart. I like having the day off because I get to spend time with my family.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

What I Did Since I Last Blogged

Here is what I did since I last blogged:
• I went swimming and I swam like a frog.
• We had World book day at school; can you guess who I was? Stuck? Here’s a clue; my character has a dog.
• I saw Macbeth or The Scottish Play at school and it was by William Shakespeare, nice name, Will.
• It is ONLY 4 WEEK’S until my birthday I’m SO excited I wonder what I’m going to get hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.What I really want is Soul Silver and a trip to San Francisco.
• I am really looking forward to Easter because you get to eat a llllllllllloooooootttttttttttttttttttttt of chocolate yummy yummy in my tummy.
• I am really looking forward to summer because we won’t have really cold weather and we can wear t-shirt’s at school again whoopee
• Mum has got a new job at David’s bookshop which mean’s she gets 25% of book’s yay!! Book’s galore.
• I’m extreeeeeeeeeeeeemly excited because I’m going to go swimming with the whole of year 5 I think I’m a confident beginner because I can swim.
• I keep thinking that it is 2009 but it is 2010!